All's I wanted to do was go to the store and get Holly and Ana some acrylic paint so they could paint their Christmas candles.
While at Meijer I thought I would kill two birds by picking up eggs (for my most excellent deviled eggs) and also grab the dessert for tomorrow's dinner at Grammy's. The huge stack of cinnamon buns with the sign stuck in the middle that said $2.99 looked perfect. Right?
Of course, I chose the self-checkout; it would be so much faster, since I had to go to Michael's to get the paint, since Meijer didn't have the stupid paint. Then, of course, the cinnamon buns rung up at $4.99. I flagged down the attendent and she came back a few minutes later and said that no, the cinnamon buns were $4.99 not $2.99. So, I (of course) told her that NO. The sign said $2.99. I made her walk back with me to the huge stack of cinnamon buns and pointed to the sign. (HA, right?) She says, 'No, the sign is for those 2 danishes behind all of the cinnamon buns." WHAT!!!!??
I then march back to the stupid self check out and get in the (now really long) line. A girl with a kid and a turkey got in line behind me. She then walked in front of me and stood kind of next to a man at one of the check out lines. When the next person left she walked over and started paying for her turkey!!!
I then realized...stupid me. I must have accidentally put on my invisibility cloak before I left the house!
The remainder of my visit to Meijer was pretty uneventful, tried to use the last couple of $$ on a meijer gift card to pay for the stupid cinnamon buns, but the Meijer machine wouldnt acknowledge their own stinkin' card, so I had to talk to yet another attendent (the same one who helped the cutter put her turkey into the shopping bag). Nothing much out of the ordinary....just havin' a Donna Day....
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